If you suffer from seasonal or chronic dry eye syndrome, then you know how uncomfortable it can be. You also know what it’s like to feel self-conscious about your eyes being bloodshot all the time. What you might not know, however, is some of the science behind dry eye syndrome.
Dry eye syndrome is the result of one of two issues. The first is eyes that don’t produce enough tears to keep up with evaporation. (This, as you might expect, can be easily exacerbated by windy, sunny or otherwise dry conditions.) The other cause of dry eye syndrome is eyes that produce low quality tears that fail to adequately lubricate the eyes. Old age, being female, having rheumatoid arthritis and a history of LASIK eye surgery all make a person more likely to suffer from both of these problems. And while you may focus on the discomforts and aesthetics of dry eyes, there are significant eye health risks that also accompany the condition, including corneal damage. What are your treatment options exactly? First, at-home remedies like avoiding exposure to potential allergens and using over-the-counter eye drops. If this doesn’t work, prescription drops and pills may be necessary. Finally, if these fail, surgery or specially-designed tear duct plugs may be the answer. Are you ready to take control of your dry eye symptoms? Why wait another day to seek professional advice? All you have to do is pick up with phone or use our online scheduler to set up an eye exam.
Suffering from dry eye can be more than just mildly annoying. It is often a chronic condition that can cause significant discomfort and visual disturbances that interfere with your daily activities.
Placing punctal plugs offers a way to conserve tears and prevent them from draining away. As positioned inside the puncta, or tiny opening that drains the tears from your eyes, a punctal plug conserves tears and keeps the eye’s surface moist and comfortable.
No larger than a grain of rice and fabricated from biocompatible materials. Punctal plugs can be either temporary or semi-permanent.